January is National One Health Awareness Month

January 2022 was National One Health Awareness Month. During the month we recognized the importance of a collaborative, interdisciplinary—One Health—approach for finding solutions to the public health, environmental, and conservation challenges of the 21st century. In this blog, I share the 31 daily twitter (@deemsharon) posts from the month. It is worth looking back to January 2020 http://www.drsharondeem.com/blog//national-one-health-awareness-month-january-2020, January 2021 http://www.drsharondeem.com/blog/january-2021-was-national-one-health-month , and January 2022 One Health Awareness Months, as we consider the health threats of a global pandemic, social unrest and science denialism related to environmental pressures, climate change, and the continual march of extinctions. We need One Health.

Take a look at the blog. Pick a day at a time, and check out the links.

Day 1 - Want the perfect way to start 2022, and January One Health Awareness Month -

Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbIxYm3mKzI

Day 2 - As we prepare for 2022, why not take a look back to One Health Awareness Month January 2020, just before the world was wise to the coming pandemic. http://drsharondeem.com/blog//national-one-health-awareness-month-january-2020

Day 3 - As we approach year three of this #pandemic and continue with #OneHealthAwarenessMonth, hot off the press I share, ways #COVID interferes with #species #conservation as well as #OneHealth opportunities. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/zoo.21669

Day 4 - On Turtle Tuesday, I share our latest conservation work in #Galapagos. Novel viruses are a concern for humans, animals, and plants.   https://www.darwinfoundation.org/en/blog-articles/746-scientists-discover-novel-viruses-in-galapagos-giant-tortoises

Day 5 - Tick Borne Diseases. In this pandemic age, we must remember Lyme disease in the USA to #Heartwater in sub-Saharan Africa, and the 100s of other TBDs, that threaten all health. https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/tickbornediseases/TickborneDiseases-P.pdf

Day 6 - Anti microbial resistance This topic is important around the world, and near and dear to me with the work we do as part of Dr. Nieto Claudin’s PhD to understand impacts of AMRs on Galapagos tortoises and their conservation.

Day 7 Climate Change and human animal environmental health. The recent extreme weather events are just the tip of the iceberg. This NYT article https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/climate/animals-seasons-mismatch.html reminds us how confused animals and plants must feel!

Day 8 Why not check out this amazing @KateMessner book and the story of our Galapagos Tortoise Conservation? Using a One Health approach we are discovering secrets of these gentle giants.  https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/29/books/review/sea-lions-in-the-parking-lot-lenora-todaro-annika-siems-tracking-tortoises-kate-messner.html

Day 9 Comparative medicine highlights our shared One Health from infectious (SARS-CoV-2) to non-infectious (toxin exposure and cancer) diseases. Veterinary & human medicine collaborations for wildlife conservation, animal welfare, and public health.

Photo from @E_Clarke_Scie@LabPeffers blog

Day 10 We celebrate organizations around the world working in One Health . How about the decade long science, conservation action, and outreach from the @stlzoo Institute for Conservation Medicine https://www.stlzoo.org/files/4916/3587/7511/ICM_10_Year_Report.pdf

Day 11 Animals as sentinels of ecosystem health – our recently published paper on vulture morbidity and mortality with 60% of deaths from #toxins should be a wake-up call to contaminants in our shared environments https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35000042/

Day 12 explores the links between climate change and food security - two of the major #OneHealth challenges of today. People living on the edge of food security will be hit first, and hardest, with a changing climate.

Day 13 Complex systems and civil society - As we increasingly recognize the complex interconnections of One Health, @LisaSaffran reminds us how storytelling is the tool we need to communicate science! https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/the-essential-role-of-storytelling-in-the-search-for-truth/

Day 14 is on research discovery using a One Health approach - Too many examples for one tweet! This paper by @OneHealthCom  @cstroudOHC and colleagues presents some of these! comparative translational medicine https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1186/s40169-016-0107-4

Day 15 is on disaster preparedness and emergency response. As we enter year 3 of this pandemic, glad for @librarycongress COVID19 : Stronger together with a OneHealth approach webinar https://www.loc.gov/item/webcast-10075/ with @WesternUTMcN @deemsharon and Dr. Durham

Day 16 is on economics and economic benefits of One Health. Need I say more?

Day 17 is on soil-health – If you hope to eat today, you may want to consider soil health, key to plant nutritional value and health, and animal and human health. Learn more at http://www.sare.org

Day 18 celebrates organizations working in One Health. Check out the 2017 @HEC_TV @stlzoo video on some of our #conservation medicine work https://hecmedia.org/posts/animals-humans-and-covid-19-2

Day 19 is on One Health and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) – such as cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and chronic lung illnesses. In this age of COVID, we often think about zoonotic pathogens. However, chronic NCDs are the number one cause of death and disability in humans globally. And with the growing human footprint impacting environmental health, NCDs impact human and nonhuman animals alike.

Day 20 is on food security, safety, and sustainability. Roles of One Health practitioners to minimize 21st century threats of disasters and transboundary diseases. This is a great read! https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsufs.2020.00001/full

Day 21 is all about food. Plants are the key for food, and wildlife species are the key for plants via seed dispersal. We need wildlife for our groceries and for Planetary Health


Day 22 Celebrates One Health One Welfare One Planet - thought of my 2018 interview with the one and only Grayson Ponti. Conservation Medicine brings this triad together! https://www.zoophoria.net/single-post/2018/05/02/environmental-health-a-conversation-with-sharon-deem-dvm-phd-dipl-aczm-director-of-the-sa

Day 23 celebrates the Human – Animal Bond. Pets alleviate stress, fight depression, address social isolation and loneliness, improve physical fitness, facilitate healing and resiliency. https://habri.org/blog/top-5-benefits-of-the-human-animal-bond/

Day 24 reminds us to consider the link between human and animal abuse. A tough topic, but one we should address to decrease animal cruelty and human violence. Learn more from @HumaneSociety. https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/animal-cruelty-and-human-violence-faq#connection

Day 25 is on clean water and air - the backbone of #health. #environmental justice will help ensure clean water and air for all life https://earthjustice.org/our_work/clean-air-clean-water

Day 26 is on occupational health risks of working with animals. Might be more important to consider health costs from our disconnect with nature. Perfect timing with NPR piece Check out #1 – “Get back to nature – stat!” https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/01/25/1074100175/readers-global-wishes-for-2022-more-kindness-more-nature-and-kitties

Day 27 is on One Health and Wildlife – So much to say about this! We NEED wildlife for #ecosystem services; if we treat wildlife badly we have spillover; wildlife makes us happy; so much more... This TEDx reminds us of all these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weXJBFai5Os

Day 28 is on One Health and water security. Check out @stlzoo Institute for Conservation Medicine work on camel health and welfare in the climate changing, water scarce, landscape of Kenya.

Day 29 is on K12 Education – we have led turtle safaris with 1000s of kids to learn about animal, human and environmental health. Some kids even wrote a book based on Georgette the turtle that lived!  https://www.kbia.org/missouri-news/2019-02-06/researchers-say-goodbye-to-georgette-a-very-tough-turtle#stream/0

Day 30 is for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals put forward in 2015 and shared so well in this United Nation 75th Anniversary Film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVWHuJOmaEk Well worth a watch!


Day 31 So this just happened - road blocks continue to exclude “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex.” Gender equality is a One Health issue https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/31/never-ending-fight-over-whether-include-equal-rights-amendment-constitution/
